Karlos Arguiñano has created a simple Thursday menu, which can get anyone out of trouble who hasn’t prepared anything to eat. First, white rice with green beans and a “special” vinaigrette. As a second and main dish, the well-known chef has started with some eggplants stuffed with tuna.

For the starter, the Basque recommends using round rice. To cook it, the important thing is to measure the water we use carefully: double the amount of rice and a splash more, because you have to be generous. Then, cut the beans and cook them in another pot. All that remains is to cook the eggs.

Next, would come the dressing for this salad. For the vinaigrette, chop a chive, “which is softer than an onion and will be better.” Add a tablespoon of mustard, oil, vinegar and a pinch of salt. And everything is stirred. If we want, we can add a little cooked corn. The boiled egg, to decorate. Starter ready and “without mystery”.

When making his dishes, Arguiñano has not disappointed with one of his popular jokes: “You go to the bank and ask for the director. You tell him that you want a loan of 600 million euros. And the director says: ‘In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit’. Then, another goes and asks for 45,000 euros. The director responds: ‘Let’s go!'”.

For the tuna-stuffed eggplants, the first thing is to cook the eggplants “for about 10 or 12 minutes.” Next, peel the red pepper and sauté it with the onion in the pan. Add the eggplant when it is ready. The next thing we will add will be the tomato and tuna, “although it could be other fish.”

The last step before putting them in the oven will be to fill the peelings with the mixture, explains Arguiñano. The Basque chef also adds a touch of breadcrumbs and parsley on top, because “you don’t always have to put bechamel.” Baked for 40 or 45 minutes.