Influencers have set out to conquer streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon, producing documentaries that narrate their striking lives behind their Instagram and TikTok walls. The last to do so was Marta Díaz on Prime Video.
The woman who has been a partner of soccer player Sergio Reguilón – there are rumors about their breakup although neither party has made it public at the moment – has given a big party in Madrid to celebrate the premiere of the documentary, which has three chapters.
This improvised red carpet included friends of Díaz who, like her, are also dedicated to the world of social networks and content creation, and her outfits, extravagant and without a clear label for the occasion, have not disappointed.
One of the best-known faces on this blue carpet has been that of the singer Ana Guerra, who for the occasion opted for a very 2000s-style streetstyle outfit, with a long denim skirt and a T-shirt that emulates the same fabric in a patchwork key.
Another well-known singer who was seen at this event was Blanca Paloma. The representative of Spain in Eurovision has worn a green satin dress, straight and loose, adorned with extravagant feathers on the neck of a brighter green tone.
For the occasion, content creator Andrea Garte has opted for a dress with printed black and white images and a curious bag made from metal sheets.
A regular on red carpets and all types of public events, María Pombo has appeared on the red carpet with an asymmetrical design by the Italian Elisabetta Franchi.
Laura Escanes, very used to cameras and photocalls, also managed to attract attention with a style based on oversized jeans and a leather trench coat.