Bertín Osborne has been one of the most wanted men of the moment in recent weeks. The singer decided to disappear from the media spotlight after the latest information about his intention to request a paternity test for the baby he is expecting with Gabriela Guillén. “He owes it to his family, to his daughters, sons, Fabiola… It’s decided,” said Paloma García Pelayo.

But on Thursday he decided to reappear to be next to José Luis López, ‘El Turronero’. The presenter was seen at the gala of the 20th edition of the Seville Festival of Nations Solidarity Awards, to support his close friend, who has been awarded the Andalusian Talent recognition.

With his umbrella in hand, to take refuge from the great storm that is being experienced on the peninsula, Bertín Osborne had to go through a street full of cameras and reporters. And, despite not knowing exactly if he was going to attend the event or not, he finally did. And the journalists were prepared for it.

As it could not be otherwise, the press did not hesitate to ask the singer about the latest news about his paternity and his relationship, good or bad, with Gabriela Guillén. Something that seems to have not sat well with the Madrid native, even knowing that this was going to happen.

With a face of visible pressure and anger, Bertín Osborne tried to avoid the questions, without being able to do so. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he started to say so he could move towards the door. “Oh, sorry, do you want to get out of the way?” He added. But the tension had only just begun.

“I’m not going to talk to anyone, okay!” he exploded with a serious face, before rushing up the stairs to the portal. A Bertín that surprised many, but who did not hesitate to give a few words shortly after.

“I have met many people throughout my life, perhaps too many, I have a friend who says that he wants me to discredit people, the same thing happens to me,” said the singer, shortly after, during a speech dedicated to his friend ‘El Turronero’. “I have never ever met anyone with the heart of José Luis López, never ever,” he added.

But if there was one thing clear to him, it was that he was not going to talk about his private life. And it is not surprising, taking into account the new information. “Since the last day they saw each other, he has paid Gaby’s rent and housing expenses. He has also paid financial compensation for his lack of profitability when practicing his profession, since he has had problems with pregnancy,” said Antonio Rossi, regarding their financial agreement.