They are looking for a person in the Guadalquivir River as it passes through Lebrija after the canoe in which he was traveling with two friends capsized at around one in the morning this Friday.

In the area, a place known as Tafia and El Yeso, members of the Special Group of Underwater Activities (GEAS) of the Civil Guard are trying to find a trace of the missing person, as reported by Emergencies 112 AndalucĂ­a.

It was a witness to the events who alerted the coordination center that he had seen a boat turn around near the SE-901 highway, as well as reporting that one of the occupants remained clinging to a buoy.

Two of those involved in the incident have been unharmed after the rescue work in which members of the Seville Provincial Fire Department, Civil Guard, Local Police, Maritime Rescue and the Port of Seville have participated, together with the Health Emergency Center 061.

A Maritime Rescue vessel rescued one of them last night and took him to the Jerez de la Frontera airport without requiring medical assistance, while members of the Special Group of Underwater Activities (GEAS) of the armed institute remain in place to try to find to the person whose whereabouts are unknown, while investigating the circumstances of the event.