The extraordinary municipal plenary session of the City Council of Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelonès Nord) held yesterday initially approved the tax ordinances and public prices for next 2024, placing the city among those with more than 50 thousand inhabitants that maintain a lower tax pressure, below underlying inflation which reaches 5.8%. Taxes increase about 5%.

The mayor, Núria Parlon, asked for an agreement from all political forces to improve the financing of city councils. “Increasingly we must provide more services to citizens without having adequate budget allocations. An agreement of all political forces is necessary to improve the financing of the City Councils.”

The modifications introduced in the plenary session are aimed at improving coordination and management with the Tax Collection and Management Body, a body dependent on the Barcelona Provincial Council and in charge of managing the municipality’s collection, to the natural adaptation and updating to current regulations and to provide the corporation with minimal resources, in order to be able to guarantee the ordinary operation of the services in the face of the increase in the corporation’s development expenses, such as the updates to the staff salaries included in the PGE law. , the increase in prices of services and supplies, as a result of the increase in the cost of raw materials, the review of prices of service contracts and the increase in interest rates.

On the other hand, the rates of the economic activities tax (IAE), the motor vehicle tax, the provision of municipal intervention services for activities, licenses and prior communications for works and facilities and the collection and waste management among others.

As a novelty, it should be noted that the IBI will be settled in three installments instead of two as was usual until the previous year. Regarding its update, the rate from 0.569 goes to 0.597, approximately a 5% increase. This measure is completely necessary considering that, for example, in the last 11 years the rate has decreased by 27% while the CPI increased by 24.70%.

In another order, the calculation method in the maintenance rate of municipal markets was clarified, so a rate per square meter is applied; This will imply a slight decrease in the fee for paradistas except for bars. As for the non-sedentary market stops in the Singuerlín market, the rates remain unchanged.

As for other rates, it is necessary to adjust other rates such as the immobilization and removal of vehicles, the tow truck (increases 2.5%), the parking of vehicles in blue zones, which will go from 1.35 to 1, 45 euros/hour and the penalty of 5 to 6 euros, music school services, which will increase by 2.5% and daycare services, which will increase by approximately 4.3%.

Finally, part of the shock plan agreed upon by the corporation aimed at alleviating the economic effects of the Covid pandemic was withdrawn. In this sense, in 2024 the suspension of the fee for occupation of public roads, heading tables and chairs, will no longer apply; Therefore, the tax ordinance is applied completely normally, and the rate reductions in the non-sedentary markets of Fondo and Sagarra are eliminated. Reduction that was 50%, and that will be carried out in two years. Thus, parade tourists in these markets will pay the same cost in 2025 as in 2019, without updating the CPI.