* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos we can witness the movement of lenticular altocumulus clouds, spectacular wind clouds in Manlleu (Osona), in this accelerated video.

Altocumulus clouds are showy medium-altitude clouds, around 2 to 6 km, with cigar-shaped or rolled shapes, white to grayish in color.

They are often used as signs that a storm is approaching, very common in the Mediterranean summer. Altocumulus clouds often precede a cold front. And, on hot, humid mornings, they signal the development of storm clouds that could occur throughout the day.

In this case, they have a lenticular shape, so called because they are shaped like a lentil. They also resemble a saucer or converging lens.

They are stationary and form at high altitudes in mountainous areas and isolated from other clouds. Among mountaineers these clouds are considered a harbinger of a storm.