The Generalitat of Catalonia demanded that the trading companies of the Endesa group, Endesa Energía and Energía XXI, return the amounts overcharged by these companies to clients in Catalonia.

Specifically, the General Directorate of Energy, included in the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, detected that the companies were sending invoices referring to 2023 late, with the taxes applicable in 2024.

Which represents an extra cost, according to Climate Action, of between 30 and 75 euros per customer, since in 2023 the electricity tax that was applied was 0.5% and VAT was 5%, while in 2024 the first is 2.5% and the second will be 10% or 21% (depending on the price of energy in the wholesale market).

Endesa has acknowledged the error and has undertaken to compensate its customers and explains that the problems have been due to

The profound and continued regulatory changes that have coincided with a process of transformation of the commercial system. “At Endesa we are dedicating the greatest efforts and resources to regularize the situation as soon as possible for our affected customers and to stabilize the billing process. We also continue working on developing new initiatives. We regret the inconvenience this is causing,” the company stated. .

This incident has been identified by the General Directorate of Energy, which has detected these irregularities as a result of the initiation of a first informative and sanctioning file at this point, for failing to comply with the regulations for issuing invoices and accounting for the fact that 82,000 supply points were not receiving collection requirements.

“We confirm the figure that the Generalitat has made public in relation to the number of incorrect invoices and that it corresponds approximately to a minority of clients, around 2% of the company’s total clients in Catalonia, although it does not correspond to that 82,000” , assures Endesa.

In the opinion of the Generalitat, the failure to issue invoices occurred “for internal reasons only attributable to each company” and considers that the non-issuance of these invoices results for users in the accumulation of receipts that could lead to non-payments and even in supply cuts “if they are not managed well,” the agency assures.