Podcasts are at their peak and are very popular, especially among young people. For this reason, there are many well-known people who have wanted to enter that world to be able to express themselves freely. Among them are Dulceida and Alba Paul, who have just released theirs: Destination: the stars.

The influencer couple surprised their fans by announcing their reconciliation in early 2023, almost two years after their breakup. Excited again, the Catalans spent their first summer together in a long time. Something they wanted to portray with an emotional video under the sunset.

“We were missing, we have many things to say,” the influencers announced the podcast. “A journey in the form of a podcast that we started hand in hand and will be available every Sunday (…) We are very happy and excited, some episodes are strong and we hope you love it!!”, they wanted to make it clear.

Now, the first episode has already seen the light, called ‘second chances’, in which they have not hesitated to talk about fear in their reconciliation. “When we decided to return, what scared you the most?” Dulceida asked her partner to start.

A question that Alba Paul has had a very clear answer to. “Well, he was toxic,” she began to relate. “Because we really had a year and a half of a lot of pain on both sides,” she added. And the couple’s main fear upon their return has always been that it wouldn’t end up working out and everything would be ruined.

“I felt that, although I wanted above all things to be with you, because that is what I felt, I was very afraid that I would not be able to forgive each other for certain things that had happened during that time,” he continued emphatically. “Or the damage we had done to each other. That I was not able to be calm or at peace by your side again,” she concluded.

After this sincere response, where she did not hesitate to open her heart, Alba wanted to ask her again what scared Dulceida. “Me, all those things too, obviously,” she began to explain. “But I think the most, what terrified me, after having had such a bad time, both thinking about you and thinking about me, that it wouldn’t work,” she explained.

It seems that all these fears have not come true, at least for now, and that they have known how to rebuild their lives together in the best possible way. Even so, they have not taken the step to live together again. “We are waiting to not make any moves, since we want to look for a little house together,” said Dulceida.