In 1973, The Rocky Horror Show premiered at the Royal Court Theater in London, a musical that paid tribute to the science fiction and B-series horror films of twenty years earlier. The success was such that after two years the film was made, which added a word to the title: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Richard O’Brien’s songs came to the big screen, in a film directed by Jim Sharman, with performances by Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon and Barry Bostwick, and actors and actresses from the original theatrical production.

And here, in 1975, the myth was born. Little by little, at midnight showings, the public turned the screening of the film into a performative action. The spectators dressed up, sang and danced, and continue to dress up, sing and dance, faithful to the choreographies, in a kind of extreme communion, every time the film is projected in a theater. Songs like Sweet transvestite, Dammit, Janet and, above all, Time warp are already part of pop culture.

Now, at the Coliseum theater in Barcelona, ??comes the production that premiered in London’s West End in 2023 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the premiere of the musical, directed by Christopher Luscombe.

On the occasion of this celebration, its creator, Richard O’Brien, declares: “In the seventies, when someone asked me to entertain the EMI Film Studios team’s Christmas party and I appeared with a song called Science fiction / Double feature, no one He could imagine that this would be the seed of the idea that The Rocky Horror Show has become today. That it continues to delight audiences fifty years later is simply exciting.”

But what is the plot of this very special work? Well, it is the story of two absolutely innocent college students, Brad and Janet. This engaged couple takes the car to visit a former university professor of theirs. By a twist of fate, the vehicle breaks down right in front of a terrifying mansion and there they will meet the charismatic Dr. Frank’n’Furter. It is an adventure they will never forget, full of fun, games, dresses and frivolity.

The Rocky Horror Show  is always a guaranteed party, combining science fiction, horror, comedy and music, while encouraging the audience to participate, singing, dancing and wearing pieces that match the costumes. In this production, there are 15 performers who perform on stage, with live music. Barcelona is the first European city where this production is presented, which will continue through Paris, Turin, Naples, Rome, Milan and Dublin, and will jump to Sydney and Melbourne.

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