Vulnerable users, such as motorcyclists, cyclists or pedestrians, have experienced a worrying increase in the number of road fatalities in recent years. For this reason, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) redoubles its efforts to strengthen the protection of this group, implementing specific measures that in some cases include toughening sanctions for offenders.

In this sense, the new Traffic, Motor Vehicle Circulation and Road Safety Law, which came into force in March 2022, contemplates an even harsher penalty for those drivers who recklessly overtake cyclists: 6 points less for the offender (previously it was 4 points) and a fine of 200 euros.

According to current regulations, it is established that, as in situations where you share the road with cars, motorcycles, trucks or buses, it is essential to maintain an adequate safety distance when you are near a cyclist or a group of cyclists. This precaution should apply whether you plan to overtake them or choose to maintain your position behind them.

When overtaking a bicycle, first of all, you must signal your intention by activating your turn signals to alert other drivers. Once you determine that you can safely perform the maneuver, it is imperative to maintain a minimum separation of 1.5 meters between your vehicle and the cyclist. Once the overtaking is completed, be sure to activate the indicators again and continue to respect the established speed limits.

Not respecting the minimum distance of 1.5 meters when overtaking one or more cyclists, in addition to constituting an infraction, means putting the safety of vulnerable users at risk. To demonstrate the importance of leaving this distance when overtaking, the Civil Guard gives an example with the aim of promoting awareness and mutual respect on the road.

In a message published on her official Twitter profile, Benemérita says that although it may seem exaggerated to leave a lateral distance of 1.5 meters when passing a cyclist, it is not. To demonstrate this, she illustrates the post with a photograph of a train station platform where a yellow line appears that runs parallel to the train tracks less than 1.5 meters away.

And he comments: “If you think that when you overtake a cyclist, leaving less than 1.5 meters is safe, try walking between the yellow line and the white line, when a train is coming behind you.” The message clearly alludes to the feeling of insecurity that a bike driver feels when he is overtaken by a faster vehicle without respecting the minimum lateral distance of 1.5 meters.

The Road Safety Law establishes an exception when it comes to overtaking cyclists, since it allows overtaking them when there is a continuous line. In any case, it is always mandatory to respect the minimum distance of 1.5 meters, so you must occupy part or all of the adjacent or opposite lane of the road. However, it must be emphasized that the maneuver is prohibited if you endanger or hinder the movement of cyclists, both those in your lane and those traveling in the opposite direction.

Now, if the road has more than one lane in each direction, it is not enough to leave the mandatory minimum distance with the cyclist but you are obliged to completely change lanes to overtake a cyclist, in accordance with article 35.4 of the Traffic Law. .