More wood in the combustible relationship that socialists and commoners are experiencing since Ada Colau’s party facilitated, together with the PP, the investiture of her former partner Jaume Collboni as mayor of Barcelona. The BComú group, which aspires to return to the municipal government with the PSC and with the help of ERC, registered last Monday, at the meeting of spokespersons prior to next Friday’s plenary session, a proposition in which it requests the disapproval of the mayor and of his government “due to the inability to lead an agreement to approve the budget for 2024, as well as a 2024-2027 economic framework that accompanies the project.”

The initiative of the commons came days after last Wednesday, in the Economy Commission, the fourth deputy mayor, Jordi Valls, withdrew at the last moment the proposal for budgets and fiscal ordinances for next year after verifying the absolute lack of support that prevented its approval.

The proposal presented by the commons also demands that the plenary session urge the urgent initiation of real and in-depth negotiations to get out of the current situation.

This attempt at disapproval is complemented by the statements made today by former mayor Ada Colau, who in an interview on Ràdio 4 was very critical of her first deputy mayor. According to Colau, Collboni and her team “are overwhelmed with their role in the mayor’s office and have lost sight of the world.”

The commons have tested other municipal groups to see if their attempt to disapprove of Collboni has any signs of succeeding. They have even contacted their main antagonists, the Trias per Barcelona group, which logically and despite sharing some criticism of the mayor’s attitude, has made it clear to BComú that it is not for the job.

It so happens that this attack by the commons on the PSC’s waterline occurs precisely on the same day that PSOE and Sumar have announced their agreement to govern together in Spain.

BComú is now shuffling, and will have to decide in the next few hours, whether to maintain its proposal to disapprove Collboni on the agenda of the ordinary plenary session on Friday or whether it will finally decide to defend the other proposal that it presented on Monday at the meeting of spokespersons. This is a proposal with the content of an institutional declaration that calls on the mayor to “lead the freezing of ATM rates for 2024 for regular users and the maintenance of the 50% discount bonus on the T-Usual and the T “Young man.”