* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

After the early morning rains that left us in Sant Fost de Campsentelles, in Vallès Oriental, we were left with a full autumn atmosphere, as can be seen in these photographs in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos.

3.6 mm have fallen in Mas Corts and 2.4 mm in Mas Llombart Sud. The temperatures were cool compared to yesterday at the same time at the time of capturing these snapshots.

We see the comparison: 12.9°C in Mas Corts (yesterday 19.8°C); 13.6°C in Mas Llombart Sud (yesterday 19.8°C), at 8 in the morning. A difference of 7°C from one day to the next.

In this image we see the autumn landscape looking towards Barcelona and the Vallès from the Turó de la Jeia de Pujol (393.8 m), in the Cordillera de Marina, on the border between Badalona and Sant Fost de Campsentelles.

We also see prints of the Besòs river as it passes through Mollet, Martorelles and Sant Fost de Campsentelles, with the Sant Fost en Mollet pedestrian bridge, the riverbed as it passes through Martorelles and the puddles of water after the early morning rain . And, also, some mushrooms. Autumn atmosphere.