The opposition groups in the Valencia City Council (PSPV and Compromís) have achieved the approval of a motion on measures to combat pollution in the city thanks to the fact that, at the time of its debate, several councilors from the PP and Vox, among them the mayor, María José Català.

The aforementioned motion, presented by the PSPV-PSOE, defends the assumption of the results of the research of the Information Technology Research Group against Climate Change (ICTvsCC) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, as well as the AirLuisa project, to decision-making in the design of the low emissions zone of Valencia and its ordinances.

Consequently, the Government team was asked to “define and determine the characteristics of a low-emission zone in Valencia in accordance with the reality of pollution in the city and the objectives of Law 7/2021, of May 20, on climate change. and energy transition and Royal Decree 1052/2022, of December 27, which effectively improves current air quality and mitigates climate change”.

The socialist spokesperson, Sandra Gómez, recalled that the mobility councilor, Jesús Carbonell, recently announced that “after carrying out the reports relating to the city’s pollution thresholds to determine the Low Emissions Zone, no neighborhood in València reaches the limits. stipulated” and that, therefore, “we will only apply restrictions when the thresholds are exceeded, but it is a remote possibility.”

In the opinion of the socialist group, “the data refute, once again, Mr. Carbonell’s statements. The six measurement stations in the city of Valencia are far from the emission sources.”

“However, from the Information Technology Research Group against Climate Change (ICTvsCC) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, research has been carried out in recent years that clearly demonstrates and with the maximum scientific rigor that the levels are exceeded. contamination maximums established by the WHO”, according to the PSPV-PSOE motion.

“The UPV researchers have applied satellite remote sensing systems from the Copernicus program and have included the models of the intensity and frequency of road traffic in Valencia” to conclude that “after the pandemic, already in 2021, the levels of contamination recommended by the WHO and the European Directive itself”.

“Today, the population of 34 of the 70 monitored neighborhoods lives in areas where air quality represents a serious risk to health, and in some cases the tolerated limits are even doubled,” according to the PSPV-PSOE. , with the support of Compromís.

For all these reasons, for ZBEs to fulfill their objective and their social usefulness, “they must be considered seriously and consistently with the reality we live in and the future we want by public officials,” defended Sandra Gómez, who He has managed to get his motion successful due to the absence of councilors from the PP and Vox.