A young American woman confirmed this Tuesday in court the complaint for an alleged rape suffered at the Kapital nightclub in Madrid on September 10, detailing how she was attacked by a man after feeling dizzy, due to possible chemical submission, and how they tried to kidnap her. .

The head of the Investigative Court number 39 of Madrid took a statement this Tuesday from the victim, who after the event went to a hospital and reported the events at the Police Station.

The court is still searching for and capturing the alleged aggressor, from whom the young woman managed to snatch his identity document before fleeing.

The young woman, 20 years old and who is studying in Madrid, detailed to the judge how on September 10 she was at the Kapital nightclub with some friends, in a booth, and they had some shots to which other clients invited them.

She began to feel dizzy and went to the bathroom, leaving her bag with her friends, and there a man violently approached her, putting her in a bathroom to rape her vaginally, despite the resistance of the girl, who partially remembers what happened because she did not feel Well, legal sources have specified.

She does remember that the man had part of his hair white and a ponytail, and that after the attack in the bathroom he tried to put her in a red car, and when she resisted he dragged her across the floor, causing injuries to her knees.

The man managed to get her into the car, in which there was another man who was driving, and they drove for a while that he does not know how to specify, but in which she improved somewhat and began to tell the kidnappers that she was the daughter of some diplomats with the intention of that they would believe it and release her, even though it wasn’t true.

At one point he managed to grab the identity card of the man with the ponytail, from Argentina, and threatened to jump out of the vehicle while it was moving, which he ended up doing when he could. Then, without initially knowing where she was, she managed to get to her house and told what happened to her roommates, who took her to a hospital.

He then reported the facts to the Police, after which the case reached the court, which is now advancing in the investigations.

The young woman, who suffered the attack the first weekend she was out in Madrid, where she had just arrived to study, assured the judge that it was the worst moment of her life.

He is now undergoing psychological treatment and plans to return to the United States sooner than expected.

Recently the magistrate asked the Police to urgently collect the security recordings of the nightclub and the surrounding area, and now the young woman’s lawyer, Beatriz Uriarte from Ospina Abogados, trusts that the aggressor will be located and brought to justice. , as reported after the statement.