Netflix has, in addition to its own mainstream productions such as Lupine, Stranger Things or Peaky Blinders, thousands of third-party titles among its video-on-demand catalogue. The latter undoubtedly make up a juicy complement for the streaming platform that sometimes even manage to sneak in among the series and movies most viewed by its more than 230 million users around the world. However, some of this minority content tends to disappear without a trace from one day to the next after the expiration of contractual relationships between production companies.

Something that happens to Netflix users relatively frequently is that, when trying to search for the name of one of their favorite series or movies, they can locate it and, however, cannot play the content. Sometimes the title disappears directly. How angry when it is one of your guilty pleasures! This is due to compliance with the contracts that Netflix establishes with production companies around the world.

To offer third-party series and movies, Netflix has to sign a licensing agreement that can last from a few months to several years, depending on the specific conditions of each contract. That is, the platform buys the reproduction rights to offer its users exclusive titles that remain within their reach for a certain period of time. It may also happen that they are available in some specific countries and not in others. When these licenses expire, Netflix has the possibility of whether or not to renew the agreements with the production companies.

On the other hand, Netflix original content is usually always available on its platform. However, some productions are made in collaboration with other production companies that, in the event that the series are canceled by Netflix, reserve the sales and distribution rights to other streaming platforms or television channels.

Luckily, there are several ways to know how long you can enjoy your favorite series and movies on Netflix. The first way to obtain this information is simply to search for the title in question and stop at the technical sheet that appears on the screen before playing the content. In this tab, in addition to data such as the recommended age, year of release or duration, there is an item with the name “Last day to see this title”, along with the date on which this content will no longer be available on Netflix.

In addition, there is another much more practical method that does not require manual searching for each title. It consists of making a series of adjustments in the configuration of your user account so that you receive notifications with this information: