The collection of waste on a beach in Vilanova i la Geltrú during the Copa América de Vela could end up in a financial fine for the organizing entity. The Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council has opened a sanctioning case against the association Custodia Platges Garraf, alleging that an intentional spill was carried out.

“When the people participating in the action ran into the security device that prevented them from continuing, they left the waste in the area of ??the mouth of the torrent,” the council explains.

The local executive alleges that, when the Regional Environment Unit of the Mossos detected the situation and activated the collection service, the volunteers left the waste at the mouth, with a “declared will to abandon it as part of the protest.”

“Based on these events and the complaint received by the Mossos, we have the legal obligation to initiate administrative procedures, like any other complaint that comes from the security forces,” recalls the town’s City Council in a X thread, formerly Twitter.

Furthermore, he remembers his predisposition to collaboration: “Whenever we have been aware of Custodia Playas Garraf’s collection actions, we have collaborated and arranged the removal of waste.”

For its part, the Custodia Platges Garraf association recalls that the cleaning is systematically organized on the third Saturday of each month, but regrets that that day the police prevented them from reaching the containers because it meant they had to get closer to the competition venue. That was the reason why they left him in the sand, they maintain.

“How are we going to dump waste that we collect from the beach itself? How can we dump waste if we notify them?”, responds the entity, which recalls that “at no time was it planned to leave the waste on the beach.”

If the sanctioning file is successful, the fine can range between 90 and 300 euros. Now, the ten-day period is open for the environmental entity to present an appeal to the council.