On Tuesday we discovered that within Isabel Díaz Ayuso there are voices that speak for her. Also, that if it weren’t for the black on white, Yolanda Díaz would have knocked down, by herself, the entire flight of less than two and a half hours. The Díaz messes require a detailed analysis. Let’s light the darkness. Let’s get started:

1) We have agreed that short flights of less than two and a half hours must end when there is no alternative to the train.

2) We will promote the reduction of domestic flights on those routes where there is a rail alternative with a duration of less than two and a half hours.

A great doctor is not the same as a great doctor. In language, the order of the factors does alter the product. The second of the sentences is what the PSOE-Sumar agreement really includes. The first is from the vice president. A statement piece. Leaving aside the “no” of “when there is no alternative to the train” – it is clear that he meant the opposite -, Yolanda Díaz gets rid of all peninsular flights in one fell swoop. In addition, it changes “domestic” flights to “short”, so international trips of less than the marked time margin would also be excluded.

The error was not caught in X. Examples: “Only 13 of tomorrow’s 73 flights from Bilbao airport take more than 2 and a half hours. Does anyone in the Government know the economic impact that the cancellation of 82% of its flights would have for Bilbao?”, is @agotxi’s complaint. “A flight from Malaga to Barcelona takes 1 hour and 35 minutes. By train, 5 hours and 32 minutes. (…) They are enemies of the people”. This is from @FcoCastillo___. These are just two samples, but the confusion was huge.

The second Díaz, Ayuso, reacted to the signing of a PSOE-Sumar agreement that the pro-independence parties distrusted, while reminding Pedro Sánchez that the investiture is not a question of Díaz, but of weeks and getting along with ERC and Together. “Sánchez says that yesterday he heard a leader of the PP ‘supporting the far-right Milei’. And I answer that it was me, and I advocate that Argentina have a change so as not to bring more poverty to both countries. But I haven’t said a single word about Milei, thank you”, writes Ayuso to X. A madness that this time is not dictated via the earpiece from where some tweeters suspect that MAR is whispering to him. It is Schrödinger’s Ayuso, who talks about Milei and at the same time has not talked about Milei.

It belongs to “Yo no soy yo / Soy este / Que va a mi lado sin yo verlo” by Juan Ramón Jiménez, the great poet, who is not a great poet, from whom Fito already borrowed the Platero y yo to play the guitar under the name Platero y Tú. The president of Madrid has no mercy for the Nobel either. Not even of herself.