Isabel Díaz Ayuso has recovered the tone that seemed to be temporarily put on hold during the failed investiture attempt led by her leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo (PP), and has once again unleashed her entire usual repertoire of attacks on the acting president to end up summing it up in that “it is clear that you have to be an ETA member, a fugitive, a coup leader or an undocumented fanatic for Pedro Sánchez to listen to you.”

The president of the Community of Madrid criticized this Thursday the “sinister armchair pact” of the President of the Executive and his partners, whom she also considers “lethal” for the economy. This was stated during his speech at the II Okdiario Economic Forum where he emphasized that Spain, unlike other countries, “not only has to face the difficulties of global instability” since, he understands, “the enemies of We have our prosperity and prestige in the world within us.

“A year ago I warned of Sánchez and his associates’ wormwood strategy: that of undermining the institutions and constitutional guarantees until, when we went to resort to them, there was nothing left. They would all be destroyed, delegitimized or colonized by like-minded people.” to power. I was not wrong. We are in an extreme situation,” he warned.

Thus, he predicted that Sánchez, one day, “will have to be held accountable for the worst thing a ruler can be judged: for betraying his nation. But we Spaniards are not going to allow it.” (The leader of EH Bildu, Arnaldo) “Otegi is the best example that, in Sánchez’s Spain, killing, kidnapping or extorting has a reward; it gives you stripes to reach the institutions,” said Díaz Ayuso who has returned to stress that it is “hard to believe” that the “illegalization” of Bildu has not yet been brought to the Supreme Court.

And he has questioned what security is provided by someone who “makes secret agreements with criminals, fugitives and terrorists and pardons the corrupt, who attacks institutions, and twists laws, repeals them or reinterprets them to stay in power” and who “is capable of bring the State to its knees to save itself.”

In economic matters, Ayuso has also attacked his recurring enemy, emphasizing that “if a ruler wants to help attract investments and companies that generate prosperity and jobs, the first thing he has to do is provide legal certainty” but he has asked “What security can be offered by someone who lies compulsively” and “who invents taxes overnight and targets businessmen and merchants, while making them pay the bill for those who blackmail him.”

As a summary, Ayuso has made a prediction stating that “Sánchez is already a burden on the Spanish economy… but in combination with Sumar they are lethal. It is the deadly formula to Argentinize our economy.”