It is quite common for many WhatsApp users to have a self-chat in which they post all their pending tasks, reminders and, ultimately, messages that no one but themselves will read. An option, a priori effective and simple, but which nevertheless has some limitations. “Hey, I’ll put you in a group and then I’ll throw you out” is the first experience we’ve all put a friend through. The second is that this fake group feeds on messages that can disappear among the other active chats in the application.

The truth is that there is no way to guarantee that all those quick notes go unnoticed and, eventually, we forget what we should or want to do. Others choose to use the notes app on their phone or more conventional systems like napkins or post-its, which also run the risk of getting misplaced. Luckily, a new app for iOS that promises to store your notes in a practical way has arrived at the Apple Store.

Qept stands as the solution so that all those brilliant ideas do not get lost among the rest of the messages. Its interface, like WhatsApp, presents a chat in which we write to ourselves, with the main difference that it is no longer necessary to search for our ‘self-conversation’ among all the others: all the notes are just one click away away from the main menu of the smartphone.

This application – which has just launched its version 1.1, which includes, among other features, the possibility of activating dark mode – allows you to “capture your thoughts and organize them later.” This confers an advantage over WhatsApp autochats, since, if Although they appear in chronological order, there is no way to assign them specific categories. Below, we review the main functions of Qept.

The iPhone application can now be downloaded for free, with which we can: