Metropolitan Transport of Barcelona (TMB) has announced 350 new places for the bus driving pool with a quota reservation of 40% for women, as reported by the company.

The call will increase the number of TMB bus driving professionals who will remain in the job pool to join when the needs of the service require it.

TMB highlights that it will contribute to increasing the percentage of women within the group of driving staff on the TMB bus network, which is currently almost 10% of the total.

The president of TMB, Laia Bonet, has claimed “the need to continue promoting female talent” and has highlighted that this call adds to the incorporation of 240 professionals last June.

Bonet recalled that on that occasion 26% of the new hires were already women and stressed that at TMB “we continue to incorporate female talent into a masculinized sector, which represents an important advance for the company and for society.”

Applications to participate in the call, which can be consulted on the TMB website, can be sent until October 31.