Gastritis is a fairly common condition, so possibly anyone will have suffered from it or will suffer from it throughout their life. This occurs when the mucosa that lines the walls of the stomach becomes inflamed, causing a whole series of discomforts, such as pain, nausea, vomiting or heartburn. The main difference between the general population and pregnant women in these cases is that the symptoms intensify during the gestation period.

Although gastritis usually disappears without the need for medical intervention, in some cases treatment may be necessary. Therefore, when the abdominal pain is very strong and persistent, or black stools or bloody vomit appear, you should go to a specialist. After performing the relevant diagnostic tests, a treatment will be recommended to resolve this inflammation of the stomach.

When identifying why gastritis occurs, multiple factors should be taken into account, since there are several reasons that may be behind a clinical picture of this type. One of the most common reasons during pregnancy has to do with the pressure that the baby exerts against the stomach, which can cause inflammation of the stomach and all these symptoms.

Another reason could be related to external causes, such as the consumption of certain types of drugs. But also habits that are totally incompatible with pregnancy, such as the consumption of alcohol or illegal substances and smoking. However, gastritis could also be caused by a stomach infection caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori or even by eating spicy foods.

Although it is true that cases of gastritis during pregnancy are common, so there is a certain probability of suffering from this condition, there are a series of measures that can be taken to prevent it. These are changes in habits and customs to adopt on a daily basis to avoid suffering from it.