The general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, spoke this morning before the Federal Committee of his party and in his speech, for the first time, he defended an amnesty for those accused in the causes of the process. At this meeting, the consultation with the militants was approved so that they endorse the agreement with Sumar and the negotiations with the rest of the allies. These are the most relevant points of his intervention

“The grace measures, the pardons, have had a much greater effect on Catalan society than could be expected. And that effect has been overwhelmingly favorable to reunion and overcoming the conflict.”

“Catalonia is ready for total reunion” (…) “the representatives of more than 80% of Catalans support this measure.” (…) “And for those same reasons, in the name of Spain, in the interest of Spain, in defense of coexistence between Spaniards, I defend today the amnesty in Catalonia for the events that occurred in the last decade”

“Our history teaches us that it is with agreements and generosity that our country and our democracy become stronger. “First with the pardons and now with the amnesty, we will make many Catalans feel more identified with our common project.”

“As so many other times in the history of Spain, it is up to us, the Spanish Socialist Workers Party, to assume the responsibility of pulling the wagon and opening paths for the future.”

“Once again, we have to open the path along which, do not doubt, sooner rather than later, many of those who today predict chaos and encourage mobilizations, will end up walking.”

“I do it with a firm conviction: not only do we have the best program for the best Spain; “We have the country program that Spain needs to make a leap in competitiveness and social justice, in democratic regeneration and territorial cohesion.”

“I know that I will not change the minds of those who feel more comfortable living in the loop of 2017 either” (…) “I want to say to all of them that courage also manifests itself sometimes by turning necessity into a virtue.”

“It is true that the electoral program can only be identical to the investiture program when a party wins by an absolute majority and does not require the support of any other political party, but this is not the case. Our investiture program must incorporate demands from other parliamentary groups.”

“This is the only possible way for there to be a government in Spain and not give Feijóo and Abascal a second chance to form a government that would set us back decades in just a few years.”