The news of the death of Fernando Fernández Tapias last Wednesday was a hard blow for all those who knew the businessman. Fernando died at the age of 84, surrounded by his third wife, Nuria González, and the couple’s two children, Iván and Alma, aged 20 and 16. Now, El Mundo reports that, although the couple had been in a relationship for around two decades, “in reality they had not been married for more than ten years.”

The truth is that the businessman’s love life has been the subject of headlines in the gossip press on several occasions. Fernández Tapias married for the first time Victoria de la Riva Suardíaz, mother of his first four children, whom he divorced in 1976. His second wedding was to Juana García Courel, mother of two other children (Sandra and Juan Carlos), and That second divorce, in 1997, cost him around 2,000 million pesetas (12 million euros), not counting real estate properties.

Her third recognized relationship was the one that caused the most stir. The businessman dated former model Mar Flores for a few months between 1996 and 1997. However, this romance ended with a scandal, since a photo of Flores in bed with Alessandro Lequio was published on the cover of Interviú. That image of the Italian with the woman he loved, in the bed of a hotel in Rome, left Tapias totally devastated. It was then that, in parallel, a relationship began with his third wife, Nuria González.

Nuria, who at that time was a friend and partner of Mar, called Tapias to find out how he was after the great stir that the cover generated. Nuria became a great support for the businessman. The two maintained a relationship for more than two decades, and in fact, Fernández Tapias died surrounded by Nuria. However, journalist María Eugenia Yagüe now assures in an article published in El Mundo that “the marriage of Tapias and Nuria González has not been as idyllic as gossip magazines have presented it.”

The media quotes friends and acquaintances of the couple and all of them talk about the businessman’s “verbal expletives” against her. “You’re a loon, I’m going to put you on the bus and send you to Palencia,” the deceased said to his wife, according to the aforementioned newspaper. As detailed, Fernando even pushed her away from her with bad words when he was admitted to the ICU. In 2012, he himself reportedly commissioned his lawyers to prepare the divorce papers. According to the media, the fear of loneliness and losing his minor children would have prevented him from taking that step.

Thus, it has been learned that “in reality they had not been married for more than ten years.” At the moment, González has not offered statements in this regard, so we will have to wait to know more details. Be that as it may, Fernández Tapias died surrounded by his third wife and his children, who were one of his priorities.