The relationship between Isa Pi and Isabel Pantoja is in one of its most complicated moments after the bad experience that the singer’s daughter had to go through when living one of the happiest days of her life at her wedding with Asraf Beno without the presence of his mother.

In recent days there has been a lot of comment on the Telecinco program Let’s see that Isabel Pantoja would be beginning to think about how to say goodbye to this world and what she wants her funeral to be like, without great displays and really modest.

When asked about it, Isa Pi has been forceful on the subject: “Of course, I see it and say, deep down the inheritance is the least important thing, a call or a visit is worth more,” she explained.

However, one of the most controversial topics has been the rumor that Isabel had decided to ban her children Kiko and Isa from her funeral, which her daughter has considered completely unfounded: “I have not heard my mother say that she does not want them to Let’s be at his funeral,” he said.

“I neither believe it nor stop believing it. She hasn’t told me, that’s why I can’t respond to her,” Isa commented on the Telecinco set about it.

On the other hand, he wanted to change the subject due to his sensitivity: “Talking about something like a funeral… Death has no age and we cannot know it. I don’t like to talk about that, especially if it’s my mother,” she concluded.