The spectacular chromatic display of gold and ocher, red and orange that invades the Navarrese forests at this time of year and the pleasant climate make autumn one of the best times to treat yourself to a getaway to this always desirable destination. Navarra is a land full of landscape contrasts, with an unbeatable gastronomic offer, an important historical heritage and, above all, authenticity, which invite you to enjoy it calmly and with the five senses. In short, a destination for those who flee from crowds and like to live unhurried experiences, savor the present moment and immerse themselves in the local culture.

The appearance of mushrooms, the change of color in the leaves and the first fires in the fireplaces of rural houses give autumn a special charm to enjoy a few days of disconnection immersed in Navarrese nature. The possibilities are multiple: take a stimulating and healing forest bath, embark on one of the many hiking routes, or discover the territory by bicycle or through guided tours on topics as varied as ornithology or smuggler stories. And, of course, after practicing active tourism, at this time of year there is nothing like enjoying the tasty and filling local cuisine, based on game and mushrooms.

The background murmur of countless streams and torrents will accompany you when you tour the Irati Forest, the second largest beech-fir forest on the continent, where foxes, wild boars and deer hide; The latter are in autumn during the mating season and fill the forest with their rutting. Other inhabitants of the forest, according to local mythology, are the lamias, who hide in rivers and fountains, or the Basajaun, the lord of the forest. Apart from Irati, there are other less known forests, but equally magical at this time of year: the Urbasa Natural Park, the Basajaun forest, in Orreaga/Roncesvalles, Mata de Haya, in Belagua, Quinto Real, Orgi, in Ultzama, the oak grove of Alsasua, the monumental oaks of Jauntsarats, in Basaburua, the ancient oaks of Etxarri Aranatz or the Señorío de Bertiz itself.

Hidden in the pre-Pyrenean valleys of eastern Navarra, the Lumbier and Arbaiun gorges offer another unique autumn spectacle that can be enjoyed thanks to their impressive panoramic views and trails of different levels of difficulty. The Lumbier Gorge is a paradise for large birds of prey and for those who enjoy seeing them in their natural habitat: royal swifts, bearded vultures, golden eagles, eagle owls and, of course, griffon vultures.

This time of year is also synonymous with one of the most appreciated products in haute cuisine: the truffle. The Truffle Museum, located in the town of Metauten, where it is produced naturally, offers a premium experience to learn how these gastronomic jewels grow and are found, thanks to the surprising exhibition of a truffle dog. One of the best moments comes with the tasting of truffles and gourmet products made with this special ingredient. Another gastronomic experience revolves around the most typical liquor of Navarra: pacharán. At the well-known Zoco Distilleries, they organize a guided tour to discover their production process, which includes a tasting workshop in the winery and another cocktail workshop to prepare the best combinations with this liquor.

The pleasant autumn temperature also invites you to dare with one of the routes that cross the Bardenas Reales desert, a unique landscape full of geological forms that are a true whim of nature and that at this time of year have a special touch. This natural park, declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO, is also a must-visit for those who collect sunsets in their retinas: several companies offer a 4×4 experience to tour the most emblematic places of this peculiar natural environment, in one of the most specials of the day. Terrestrial telescopes and binoculars will be the best travel companions to help discover all the secrets hidden in this spectacular environment.

Autumn is also, traditionally, the season of mystery, something that abounds in Navarre. Very close to the border with France is Zugarramurdi, whose history is closely linked to the auto-da-fe of Logroño in 1610, in which several people from the town were accused of witchcraft and condemned by the Inquisition. Since then, this town has been known as the town of witches. It houses the famous caves in which the covens took place, as well as the Witch Museum, where the mythology, customs and rituals typical of the time in the region are explained in depth.

If you are passionate about the Middle Ages, you have to visit Olite, one of the most important enclaves of the old Kingdom of Navarra and where the royal castle-palace that served as the residence of the kings of Navarra is located. Another fairy tale place is Javier Castle, where Saint Francis Xavier, one of the most universal missionaries and patron saint of Navarra, was born, and which can currently be visited discovering its towers, dungeons, machicolations, loopholes and arrow slits. And, of course, you have to dedicate some time to the walled, green and gourmet Pamplona. Its well-kept historic center, the proliferation of green areas and gardens, the bustling pincho bars and its effervescent cultural agenda make the capital an ideal destination to choose as the first or last stage of an unforgettable trip through Navarra this autumn.