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The debate is back on the table and tempers have been heating up. What if 40 hours, then 37 and a half, then 35… Do we have to work less? Parties and businessmen clash while the pocketbook could do with making more money. Or at least know how to manage what we have a little better so as not to be tight.

There is a mess. The negotiation to form a government revives the debate. Should we work 37.5 hours? A reduction that promises to distribute work more and allow a better life. Some applaud her, others criticize her. The proposal has collided head-on with businessmen, who do not want to know anything. The unions are asking to go to 35. For now, from Brussels they tell us to train more and be more productive. And that the low wage model has to end.

The comparison. Today we are in the middle. We don’t have the best day in the world, but we don’t have the worst either. Our French neighbors have been working 35 hours for decades. The Germans are in 40 hours and no one looks bad at them if you leave on your time. In Spain we move around there. The one who breaks with everything is the billionaire Carlos Slim. The businessman has launched his proposal: work 12 hours a day, three times a week. And up to 75 years old!

More money. The ideal combination would be fewer hours and more pay. It would not be bad to cover the arrival of the autumn slope, which has already been installed on the calendar due to the season. Also more festive. With that, next year brings good news: the work calendar is now official. Speaking of dates… it’s time to see what is the cheapest way to deal with the drop in temperatures. The debate is between the gas boiler or the heat pump. What is better?

Do we spend a lot? Maybe the problem is that we overspend. Even throwing overboard a salary increase that is wasted by poor planning. For most mortals, the body pushes us to consume to reward ourselves. There is also that of pretending and fitting in. Although you may not realize it, this is how emotions affect your spending. Something to which those who have so much money available that they pay cash for flats are immune: they are not millionaires, they are already 42% of buyers.

The Imserso trips are already underway. The destinations, prices and days to enjoy the program are already public. As always, there are areas with high demand, so you have to hurry. Good plan to take advantage of the pension, which among new retirees exceeds 1,500 euros.

The panorama for Andorra has changed even more. Traditionally linked to shopping trips and lower-cost products, today it has its best tourist numbers… but it is not reflected in commerce. Is everything ending? This is your plan to reinvent yourself.