Hello good morning!

Princess Leonor reinforces the crown just when the Government closes an agreement with the Catalan independence movement. The risks of tomorrow are best faced by solid institutions, such as the monarchy and Parliament, and also by private initiatives that are committed to scientific research, as is the case of the La Caixa foundation.

Monarchy. Princess Leonor, heir to the throne, swore the Constitution yesterday in the Cortes, a solemn act that she used to ask the Spanish people to trust her. The Crown emerges strengthened from a political event that not all members of the Government attend.

Real home. The emeritus king was not in the Cortes, but he celebrated the coming of age of his granddaughter during a family gathering in El Pardo. Before, he spent several hours in Zarzuela, the palace that was his home.

Investment. ERC and the PSOE announce an agreement on the amnesty. Only Junts is missing, but optimism is established in La Moncloa, where they affirm that “everything is on track.” The investiture of Pedro Sánchez could be resolved next week.

Loop. Israel bombs the Jabaliya refugee camp, causing one of the biggest massacres of the war. At least 145 people were killed in an attack that sought to neutralize a senior Hamas commander.

Telephone. The State plans to buy 5% of Telefónica to dilute the power of the Saudi fund STC, which is going to take over 9.9% of the company. The strategic importance of Telefónica forces this small reprivatization.

Health. The La Caixa foundation is going to invest 100 million euros in the first immunology center in Spain, an institution that will have 40 research teams. Cancer and infectious diseases will be fought from here.

Demography. Every day there are going to be more “old young people” in Spain, healthy people, with financial solvency and a good education, who are going to remain in top shape well beyond retirement age. Half of those born in the sixties will live to be 90.

Manuel Borja-Villel, advisor to the Generalitat on museums. “There would have to be a common collection in which everything belongs to everyone”. Read it here.

Cinema. Director Celine Song premieres Past Lives, the Indie phenomenon of the year that addresses masculinity through collaboration with women. “There are many ways to live love,” she says, “and the important thing is its depth.”

Soccer. Messi reaffirms his commitment to FC Barcelona. He has declared that it is the club of his life and he hopes that next year it will pay him the tribute that could not be organized when he left.

Music. The soprano Victoria de los Ángeles would turn one hundred years old today. She was one of the most important lyrical singers in the world. She divided her time between Barcelona and New York with a very extensive repertoire in which La Bohéme stands out.

Philippe Sands, lawyer. “Israel has the right to defend itself, but this right is not unlimited.” Read it here.