Creators of AI-generated ads are starting to run into the first barriers for using famous faces indiscriminately: Scarlett Johansson is suing an artificial intelligence app that used her name and image in an online ad without permission.

As confirmed by the actress’s lawyer to Variety magazine, they have decided to take legal action because Johansson appeared in a 22-second ad published on X by an artificial intelligence image generation application called Lisa AI: 90s Yearbook

Although the ad is no longer available, this has not stopped the actress: “We do not take these things lightly. According to our usual procedure in these circumstances, we will take care of it with all the legal resources we have,” her lawyer assured.

The advertisement in question showed a clip of Johansson behind the scenes of Marvel’s Black Widow where she came out welcoming the public so that AI-generated photos that resemble the actress began to be seen.

However, not only has Scarlett’s image been used without her permission, but also a fake voice imitating Johansson continued speaking, promoting the AI ​​application and inviting people to use it: “I think you shouldn’t miss it,” the voiceover assured.

At the moment, those responsible for the advertisement have not wanted to make any statement in this regard and their main defense is based on the fact that in the advertisement there was a title that said: “Images produced by Lisa AI. “It has nothing to do with this person.”