Shame must be left at home. Only in this way, with shyness put aside, can you safely face a game of WarioWare: Move It, the new installment of Nintendo’s most hilarious party game, which this week returns to Switch with another edition in which you have to move your skeleton.

Indeed, the Japanese company wants to return to those days, at the beginning of the century, when friends and family gathered around the television to perform all kinds of ridiculous movements. If last year they already tried it with Nintendo Switch Sports, this time they repeat it with the hilarious series of games starring Super Mario’s most thuggish rival, a character that also made us move our arms and hips 15 years ago. Everything returns.

Bodybuilder, supermodel, locomotive or quiquiriquí are some of the bizarre positions that the players of WarioWare: Move It! They must adopt if they want to win the game. All of this is part of the premise of the game, and it turns out that Wario and his friends have ended up on an island where Joy-Con controllers are revered and everything is resolved based on posturing.

And the truth is that it is fun. Without too many pretensions, Nintendo’s new party game once again demonstrates why they are geniuses when it comes to working on game mechanics and the art of surprise. Each of the 200 microgames included in this title is presented as a small interactive joke, a playable gag that the user must solve in a few seconds to move on to the next and that, because it is so simple, does not require a tutorial. The fun is in the frenetic pace with which they happen, but also in their extravagant – and Japanese – sense of humor.

As indicated on the game’s official website, the challenge is not in executing complicated button combinations, but in making the right move at the right moment. It is, therefore, a title suitable for all types of people, whether or not they have experience playing video games, and it can be played alone – through a small and friendly story mode that can last for 3 hours – or accompanied by up to three more players.

Service information: In multiplayer mode – or “Party” mode – it is not necessary for the four players to have two Joy-Con each. For once, Nintendo’s creatives have thought about our pockets and can be played so that each player only has to hold one Joy-Con, and I can confirm that it works well.

More service information about multiplayer: it comes in several modes that slightly vary the pace of the game. In one of these modes players advance around a Mario Party-style board, in another – my favorite – they fight like boxers through different quick rounds of microgames, in another they have to guess which player is pretending and in another they are chased by a jellyfish that if it catches you turns you into stone. In short, there is variety so that it is not always exactly the same.

And little else can be added about a game like WarioWare: Move It!, a title that perfectly fulfills its mission of entertaining and making us laugh with its little interactive jokes. To ask, it would have been nice if more microgames had been included – the last installment for 3DS included 300 – but it is not something that is very noticeable if what you are looking for is festive and fleeting entertainment as is what these party games pursue.