Hello good morning!

Sánchez’s investiture seems on track and yet it has not yet come to fruition. We will see today. At the same time, the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are filled with doubts. They do not predict peace.

The Palestinian National Authority is “resurrected.” The US and Arab partners “resurrect” the Abbas-led organization in the West Bank for the future of Gaza. The choice is for Palestine yes, Hamas no. Doubts about its real scope. For now the fire rules.

Division between the army and government in Kyiv. The crisis in the Middle East has practically made the war in Ukraine disappear from public attention, although it continues to accumulate deaths. It may have entered neutral. Doubts about the strategy to follow.

The investiture is the one that focuses all eyes on Spain, and here there is no shortage of doubts either. Puigdemont once again summons the Junts leaders in Brussels to try to settle the pact to support Sánchez. Lawfare is central. And time is ticking.

The inclusive school is a goal blessed by all, but in practice, it is difficult. This time the precarious support monitors put it black on white: “I earn 840 euros and at the end of the course I will go unemployed.” They are a low-cost resource popular with women.

Goodbye to ‘everything free’. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, LinkedIn or Snap are among the social networks that are betting on premium models and launching payment services. End of the era of everything free. Advertising revenue is expected to decline.

By profession: translator. Joaquim Mallafrè has been the translator of works by James Joyce, Laurence Sterne, Samuel Beckett… One of the greats. Interviewed by La Vanguardia, he clarifies how the profession is: “With what is paid I would not have supported my family.”

“In autumn is when there are more panic attacks,” the head of the anxiety unit at the del Mar hospital in Barcelona explains to this newspaper. But there are more warnings: heat decreases tolerance; light is therapeutic; The warm wind from the west does not bode well…

Noa, Israeli singer and pacifist. “Idiots on the networks can now cost lives.” Read it here.

Kiwi? No, better kiwino. New Zealand kiwis dominate the stores but it is the kiwiño, a dwarf kiwi that grows in Galicia and Asturias, that aims to become the next trendy fruit. Its small size, thin skin and sweet flavor are surprising.

Trip to Piccadilly Circus. This light-filled place in London is for many a must-visit when stepping foot in the British capital. To understand it, however, we have to touch on history: it was made for the rich; It housed prostitutes, drug addicts, hippies, artists… Like Times Square.

Alicante was the last bastion of the Second Republic and so the guided tour of its basement, full of air raid shelters, makes it possible, even today, to relive the horror that took over the bombed city. Also from a child’s view of the tragedy.

Michel-Yves Bolloré, engineer and researcher. “It is scientifically impossible that God does not exist.” Read it here.