A radio amateur foiled a robbery this weekend after listening to the conversations of some thieves and quickly alerted the Mossos d’Esquadra, who thanks to the tip were able to verify the facts and arrest two men in Balsareny (Barcelona). From a movie.

According to police sources, the Berga police station (Barcelona) received a call on Saturday at 10:42 p.m. from a radio amateur who explained that he was listening to suspicious conversations through his telecommunications equipment and that possibly someone was preparing a robbery. Furthermore, he told the Mossos that, according to his calculations, the thieves could be in the area of ​​the Cal Vidal industrial estate, in Puig-Reig, north of Barcelona city.

A Mossos patrol headed towards the industrial estate and detected a vehicle, which when the police tried to stop it fled. The agents pursued the car until they managed to stop it in the municipality of Balsareny, from which four men ran.

The police managed to arrest two of the four individuals early Sunday morning, who are accused of attempted theft for trying to break into one of the industrial warehouses in the Puig-Reig industrial estate. An investigation is also ongoing to try to locate and arrest the other two involved.

Inside the detainees’ vehicle, the Mossos d’Esquadra found frequency jammers, used to override alarm systems and radio stations, as well as other tools.