Montserrat Méndez disappeared without a trace on October 23, 2013, after having a few drinks in the Can Gibert del Pla bar area. No one saw anything. None of the leads followed by the Mossos d’Esquadra gave any results.

Months later, on June 13, 2014, among the ashes of a fire in an apartment near Puerta del Sol, the body of Danish Anne Strande was discovered. Nor did the National Police manage to find any clues to find the culprit of the crime.

Both events were probably destined for the unsolved case drawer. However, a dose of fortune gave a surprising turn to the police investigations.

All the rivers of passion flow into the black chronicle: desire, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, love, greed, ambition… There are no stories only of good and bad. There are stories full of nuances, half-truths, strengths and weaknesses, innocence and cruelty.

Dossier Negro is a biweekly black chronicle podcast. You can also find its chapters on podcast platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts, among others.