A court in Barcelona is investigating the alleged sexual abuse committed by a nurse and member of the congregation of the Jesuits of Casp school in Barcelona. The Prosecutor’s Office has submitted to the court the complaint of two victims who have reported the alleged touching they suffered during their school years, pointing to this nurse as the person responsible. The abuses would have been committed between 2000 and 2001 when the students at the center were around six years old. The accused, who is currently 80 years old, was a religious man who worked as a nurse and who allegedly took advantage of medical check-ups to sexually assault minors. In total, there are four complaints against the nurse.

The investigating court 7 of Barcelona has taken charge of the investigations, although it already had an open case against the nurse after collecting complaints from two more victims who had gone to a National Police station to explain the facts. The victims have ratified their complaints before the court and are now waiting for the other two complainants to do so. The accused is also listed as being investigated by the court.

The outbreak of this case once again puts the Jesuits of Casp in the spotlight after several victims publicly denounced the religious Francesc Peris and eight other Jesuits from the same school accused of having sexually abused students between the 1950s and 1980s. In a press conference in June of this year, the Society of Jesus asked for forgiveness, announced “strong measures” and assumed “the bad practices of the past.” He also announced the launch of an investigation into the cases of abuse that occurred.

A total of 234 former students of the school signed a letter addressed to the center in which they demanded from those responsible “more transparency” about the information they had about the alleged sexual abuse committed by the priest Francesc Perís, who was sent to Bolivia, and about how they handled each of the complaints they received.