Humane wants to revolutionize AI and mobile technology with its AI Pin, a device that magnetically attaches to clothing (on a jacket lapel or shirt front) or other surfaces. It runs on a version of T-Mobile’s network and has access to Microsoft and OpenAI artificial intelligence models like Chat GPT.

The device is not accessible to everyone: it will cost $699 and a subscription fee of $24 per month. Humane’s objective with this project is to lead the next great revolution in consumer technology after the emergence of smartphones (with the launch of the first iPhone in 2007). This is an ambitious goal in which other projects have already failed before, such as Google smartglasses or virtual reality headsets.

AI Pin that uses a clip that is in turn a battery so that it can be easily recharged and changed. According to information leaked by The Verge, the AI ​​Pin is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and uses a camera, depth and motion sensors to track and record its surroundings, as well as a built-in speaker with the ability to connect to Bluetooth headphones.

What stands out most about the device is that it does not have a screen, so the main way to interact with the device will be through voice commands, although it also has a green laser projector that can project information on your hand.

Other highlights of Humane’s ingenuity are that you can bring objects closer to the camera and interact with the AI ​​Pin using gestures. It also integrates a touch panel to give basic commands such as recording, at which point a warning light will activate to inform the user that everything is being recorded.

AI Pin aspires to become a stand-alone device, not dependent on a smartphone. Humane’s idea is to create a fluid system that allows the use of several AI systems and integrates functionalities that allow language translation, identification of foods by their nutritional value or creation of music lists.