The employers’ association continues to outline the businessmen’s proposals to the political parties in view of the next Catalan regional elections on May 12. This Thursday he delivered to the forces participating in the elections a document with the 465 economic measures that they recommend applying, among which a reduction in taxes or a more decisive commitment to renewable energies stands out.

In the opinion of the employers’ association chaired by Josep Sánchez Llibre, the proposals are to “achieve more competitive taxation and establish the foundations for a positive and dynamic economic ecosystem.” Foment believes that “in a global context of rapid tightening of monetary policy, and together with uncertainty and European energy dependence, it is essential to work to continue improving the competitiveness of the economy.”

The proposals on taxation come largely from the green paper on the subject presented last Tuesday by the employers’ association. Foment advocates abolishing the Wealth tax, reducing the marginal personal income tax rates for both high and low incomes, establishing the Inheritance and Donation tax rate at 5% for close relatives, and at 10%. for the rest, in addition to reviewing the Generalitat’s own taxes and eliminating some of them.

Regarding the decarbonization and energy transition plan, the proposal to “increase the implementation of renewable energies” stands out.

In the fight against drought, Foment recommends to the parties “the execution of the infrastructure and investments established” in the law of last September. Along the same lines, the employers’ association believes that it is “essential to proceed with the interconnection of networks in the different hydrographic basins of Catalonia.”

To improve access to housing, Foment proposes a “great public-private pact between the Government of the Generalitat, the town councils, and the developers.” In the opinion of the business organization, the project to combat “criminal occupation” should also be recovered.

The employers’ association also allocates a chapter of the 76-page document to training, asking for reinforcement in the “guidance model, primarily in the transition periods of the mandatory and post-compulsory training stages.”

For the industry, the measures should be aimed at “developing the National Pact for Industry 2022-2025 and promoting a polygon plan.”

In tourism, the main measure is to “implement a deseasonalization plan” and another to “alleviate the obsolescence of certain mature destinations.”

In infrastructure, the main proposals are to “execute the expansion of Barcelona airport, deploy the Cercanías network and solve the deficit and lack of public investment.”

Measures are also included in other areas such as health, commerce, culture, sports activities, Public Administration reform, innovation, occupational risk prevention, internationalization, employment or SMEs.