The race of the world’s largest technology companies to create their own version of ChatGPT is in full swing. The last companies to announce that they will have a large language model (LLM) to develop tools that incorporate artificial intelligence into their products and services have been Samsung and Amazon.

During the Samsung AI Forum 2023 held this week, the South Korean company presented its generative AI model, Samsung Gauss. Its strategy is to integrate it into its smartphones, tablets and laptops in the short and medium term, the same thing that Microsoft has done with ChatGPT (integrated into the Bing search engine) or Google with Bard. Many other consumer technology companies are planning to expand the range of proposals with artificial intelligence.

What could be considered ChatGPT’s own version is Samsung Gauss Language, the language model that will be used to write text, summarize documents and translate with the aim of incorporating it into the brand’s smartphones and having an even greater impact and introducing new possibilities in devices.

For its part, Amazon is also building a new artificial intelligence model, codenamed Olympus and with which it intends to catch up with its rivals OpenAI and Google thanks to the large language model that will be used in its online store and will be integrated into the Alexa smart speakers, according to a report by The Information.

The queen of e-commerce company could present this tool in a few weeks. December would be the chosen month, coinciding with the Christmas shopping campaign and after the recent investment of 4 billion dollars in the AI ​​startup Anthropic.

With Gauss and Olympus, Samsung and Amazon are entering fully into the attempt to unseat ChatGPT and Bard, until now great references in AI at the service of the end user and which will soon launch for their own services.