The Oncologist and director of the Sloan Kettering Institute in New York, Joan Massagué, is the protagonist this Thursday, April 11, of a new call for Vanguard Forums. The event, titled ‘End Cancer’, will begin at 7:00 p.m. at the MGS Auditorium in Barcelona.

A group of up to 220 members of the Vanguardia Club will be able to attend the meeting with Massagué. The talk will be moderated by Josep Corbella, editor of La Vanguardia specialized in science; Benet Iñigo, head of society at RAC1; and the journalist Ramon Rovira.

Born in Barcelona in 1953, Joan Massagué studied at the Jesuits of Sarrià before graduating in Pharmacy and obtaining a doctorate in Biochemistry from the UB. In 1982 he moved to the United States, where he discovered the structure of the insulin receptor.

The Catalan oncologist is one of the most important researchers in the areas of regulation of cell division and cancer metastasis. His work has been key to understanding the mechanisms that stop cell proliferation, a process that when uncontrolled leads to the formation of tumors.