As was to be expected following the reaction after knowing its spirit, Ciudadanos did not like the letter of the amnesty law that the PSOE registered yesterday in Congress, which it considers to be a “nonsense” prepared in “bad faith” so that the “cautions” and “tricks” of its drafting prevent the foreseeable reaction against the judicial power.

This was explained this Tuesday by the spokesperson for Ciudadanos in the Parliament, Anna Grau, who pointed out that the processing of the aforementioned law, which has paved the way for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez after having been negotiated at length with ERC and Junts, represents “neutralize the separation of powers” in a democratic State such as Spain.

For Grau, this measure also affects a policy of “cascading faits accomplis” through which the political forces that make up or support the Government intend that their decisions are “very difficult to reverse” judicially by the Supreme Court or the Court. Constitutional Court, which will ultimately be responsible for resolving the appeals against the amnesty.

In this sense, the liberal deputy has accused the socialists of “betraying” their voters so that Sánchez can spend “a few more months or years” in the Moncloa and the PP, of preferring to move forward with his “political agenda” later. of Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s failed attempt to be sworn in as president, instead of abstaining from Sánchez’s investiture to “stop this madness.” Something that Ciudadanos would do if it were in his power.

Regarding the Government’s announcement, through the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, that it will study the request of former President Carles Puigdemont to be able to enjoy an escort in Brussels, given the scenario of prevailing political tension, Grau has assured that it would be a matter of “a new injustice”, because the leader of Junts is still “technically” a “fugitive”.

Based on these events, Grau has denounced the existence of “a caste or a caste” that has uninterruptedly governed Catalonia since before the transition: “From the Francoist national movement we moved to the Pujolist and then Puigdemontist national movement,” he exclaimed to warn of the “dictatorial tics” that, in his opinion, persist in Catalan and Spanish society, where democratic guarantees are, in his opinion, increasingly easy to “neutralize” from power.