Between August 2004 and July 2010, six volumes of Scott Pilgrim, the character created by Bryan Lee O’Malley, were published. Even for those unfamiliar with the comic or graphic novel, Scott Pilgrim gained cult status when Edgar Wright, the filmmaker known for Fatal Weapon and Zombies Party, released an adaptation with Michael Cera as the character. It did not work at the box office, being unable to recover the budget of 85 million dollars, but it became a work admired by critics and by those who gave it a chance. And, after that attempt, Hollywood attacks again, this time from the anime aesthetic.

Scott Pilgrim is a musician, he doesn’t make a particularly good living, and he lives in Toronto. His life changes when he falls in love with Ramona Flowers, a girl who soon discovers that she has special abilities, like his seven exes, turned supervillains. If he wants to date Ramona, he has no choice but to face her entire romantic resume. It is, in short, an original way of talking about relationships, how they affect us or represent us, and to what extent responsibility is shared (or not) when things don’t go well.

In the trailer you can see the work done by Science SARU, the Japanese animation company founded by Masaaki Yuasa and Eunyoung Choi, which since 2013 has produced series such as Super-Shiro, the Shin Chan spin-off focused on the mythical dog pseudo-childish character.

And, as a curiosity, it is striking that Netflix has managed to reunite the cast of the film by Edgar Wright, who remains as executive producer. This means that Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kieran Culkin, Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Brie Larson, Aubrey Plaza or Mae Whitman, Alison Pill, Brandon Routh or Jason Schwartzman return.

And when does the series titled Scott Pilgrim make the leap premiere? This coming Friday, November 17th.