This consists of walking on loose earth or doing tightrope walker balances without a net.

It is clear that President Joe Biden does not exactly have a great friendship for Beniamin Netanyahu. But Israel is the great ally in the Middle East and has a great pressure lobby in the United States. In turn, the Democratic Party, the progressive wing, tends towards solidarity with Palestine.

This contradiction is expressed in Biden, who still opposes the ceasefire, as long as Hamas has hostages, as he regrets the indiscriminate attacks in Gaza or affirms that “hospitals must be protected” from the bombings of the Israeli army.

Despite this rhetoric of appeasement, the left sector revolts against him for not preventing the massacre of Palestinians due to Jerusalem’s retaliation after the October 7 attack. And that protest is no longer only expressed in words.

A New York nonprofit advocacy organization, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), has sued President Biden for failing in his duty under international and US law to prevent Israel from committing genocide in Gaza. . There is a widespread maxim among these groups to counter the Israeli narrative: “Genocide is not self-defense.”

The CCR undertook its complaint on behalf of Palestinian groups and individuals who allege that Israel’s actions, including mass murders, attacks on civilian infrastructure and forced expulsions, are elements that characterize the concept of genocide.

According to his argument, the 1948 international convention against this crime requires the US and other countries to use their power and influence to stop these massacres.

“As a close and powerful ally of Israel, the largest provider of military assistance by a long margin and the largest recipient of its foreign aid since World War II, the United States has the resources to deter Israeli leaders who comment. genocidal acts against the Palestinian people,” the complaint states.

The initiative was presented in a California court and it highlights that “this genocide in progress has been possible due to the unconditional support of Biden, Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin.”

The plaintiffs ask for precautionary measures to require those responsible for the Administration to take “all measures within their power” to end the bombing of Gaza, lift the Israeli siege and the evacuation order of 1.2 million Palestinians.

It is not the only initiative critical of the White House. Dozens of State Department employees signed a letter addressed to Blinken expressing their disagreement with Israel’s policy of supporting retaliation. At least three internal cables, sent through the dissent channel established during the Vietnam War, urged President Biden to request an immediate ceasefire.

More than 100,000 people demonstrated in Washington in favor of Israel. “We have the right to live,” they chanted. So no stopping the assault on Gaza.