The color red is said to be the first to have a name and it is not at all strange since this shade is part of the group of primary colors and is one of the ones that most manages to capture the attention of the human eye. We find it in many parts of our daily lives, whether in food, nature or fashion.

In these photographs shared by Joan Soldevila Adán in La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos, we can see exactly that. The liveliness of this color is everywhere, it surrounds us.

The color red is one of the most intense in the color palette and is associated with emotions such as courage, love, passion or strength. It has been scientifically proven that this color greatly stimulates the eyes and captures people’s general attention.

There is a lot of talk about color psychology, which mainly arose with marketing and advertising, but this science can explain to us how certain colors make us feel and how they affect your mood.

Also, colors help you have a perception regarding temperatures. There are warm colors and cold colors. Red is clearly a warm color, which is why we unconsciously associate it with concepts such as passion, danger, warmth and love.

But depending on the culture or time, the color red has different spiritual meanings. In our culture, we relate it to healing rituals and the representation of fire. But, for example, for alchemists of the Middle Ages, the color red symbolized prosperity and implied that their experiments were progressing properly.

If we talk about the color red in terms of advertising and branding, we realize that many of our purchasing decisions are directly related to the individual perception we have of colors. A study by Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman explains exactly this concept.

In summary, this research reveals that if we look, normally at sale posters or when clicking on a banner, or when purchasing a product, or when filling out a form or when requesting information, the color red is used to motivate customers. consumers to do so, since in our eyes, this color attracts our attention and we associate it with a signal of urgency.

Curiously, this color is also used in notices when people need to act quickly and efficiently or see an important sign and in many cases it is used to signal danger or prohibition.

We also know that not all reds are the same, there are different shades and humans relate them to different things. There is cherry red, which we associate with sensuality, passion and fire; burgundy red, which symbolizes power and ambition; crimson red, which we understand as energy and is related to strength, entrepreneurship and action; blood red, which is linked to excitement, hatred and violence; or wine red, which transmits joy and elegance.