Congress has ‘shielded itself’ in recent hours against possible protests over the investiture session of Pedro Sánchez. After 12 nights of protests in front of the PSOE headquarters in Ferraz – the one the day before with inflatable dolls as ministers -, at noon, before the start of the session, there were about 200 people who gathered around the Congress. For its part, the ultra-Catholic organization Hazte Oír has taken a bus for a ride through the streets of Madrid in which Sánchez appears with a Hitler mustache.

What is the umpteenth Hazte Oír bus about? On the occasion of Pedro Sánchez’s investiture debate, Get Heard has released a new message on a bus that circulates through the streets of Madrid. “Sánchez dictator, Pedro Sánchez hates Spain” on the right side, and “Sánchez traitor” on the left side is what can be read on the yellow vehicle. In addition, the bus comes decorated with a set of illustrations of the current acting president characterized as Adolf Hitler, German dictator, and another photo of Sánchez kissing Carles Puigdemont just on the opposite side.

Hazte Orír’s passion for buses. With undeniable media impact both in the media and on social networks, the organization has been carrying slogans on buses for years. In February 2017, the ultra organization brought out a bus with a slogan against education in sexual diversity and against transsexual boys and girls. “Boys have penises. Girls have a vulva. “Don’t be fooled” was the motto that raised a multitude of criticisms and complaints. In 2019, the Official State Gazette (BOE) published the revocation of the declaration of public utility of the ultra-Catholic association Hazte Oír. The organization has received various fines for this type of actions.

The security device, like that of a Madrid-Barça. The National Police will deploy 1,600 agents, most of them from the police intervention units (UIP), to shield and protect the Courts. The device is similar to those used for high-risk soccer matches, with a range of between 1,000 and 1,800 personnel assigned. Seven years ago, for Mariano Rajoy’s inauguration, the number of security forces was 1,000 agents.