PP and Vox want to take advantage of the amendments to the Budget Support Law to change the current majority system that governs the election of members of the management and control bodies of Valencian public television.

Thus, among the 45 amendments signed by the two groups now in the majority in the autonomous Parliament, there is one that will substantially modify the support necessary to elect the members of the Governing Council, the highest governing and administrative body of the Corporation.

The proposed changes, which the new parliamentary majority will carry out without problems, provide that to elect the five members of the Governing Council who elect Les Corts “an absolute majority will be enough.” The current regulations establish a reinforced majority of three-fifths (60 deputies), which forced the parliamentary groups to agree on the list of names. Now, it will no longer be necessary.

The absolute majority will also be sufficient to approve in Les Corts the framework mandate that establishes general objectives of the public service function.

Likewise, it is proposed that the number of councilors rise from the current 10 to 11, since a person proposed by the FVMP (Valencian Federation of Municipalities and provinces) is introduced to represent the town councils of the Valencian Community, where PP and Vox have most.

The FVMP may also propose a representative in the Citizens’ Council – the advisory body on programming and content. This will go from the current 13 members to 12.

Beyond the new balance of powers and majorities, PP and Vox propose placing a maximum limit of 0.3% of the Generalitat’s overall budget on the financing of this public service. The current rule establishes that “compensations for the fulfillment of public service obligations will be recorded in the budgets of the Generalitat, in accordance with the program contract, and may never amount to an amount less than 0.3% or greater than 0. 6% of these.”

When the amendment is approved, what is now a minimum investment will become a maximum.

Finally, in terms of contracting, PP and Vox propose that economic operators sanctioned by the Competition Commission of the Valencian Community or for any crime that affects professional ethics be excluded. A clause, its authors acknowledge, that wants to prevent public television from contracting with the media group of the brother of former president Ximo Puig, who was sanctioned by Competition precisely as a result of his participation in an award of À Punt.