Three tenants of an apartment in New York were found dead this Tuesday after the owner showed up at a police station and confessed to having done “something bad,” according to local media. The 54-year-old man is in police custody, although no charges have been filed at this time, reports CBS.

The event may be related to a dispute over the payment of rent, according to police sources consulted by the media. The man entered a police station where he told an officer that he was having problems with his tenants, according to information offered by the police at a press conference.

When the police officer asked him, he admitted having “done something bad,” after which he gave the address where the bodies of a woman were found, face down in bed on the first floor of the residence, and that of a man and another woman in a basement apartment.

The three victims, who have not been identified, suffered multiple stab wounds and an autopsy is expected to provide more details.