The clash between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo in Congress on the occasion of the investiture debate has even reached the field of literature. The main writer of the tug of war has been Antonio Machado and, specifically, a famous quote from the famous Sevillian poet has first provoked the mention of the socialist candidate, the subsequent rectification of the popular one and an unpredictable turn in which Sánchez has questioned the correction of Feijóo, with the singer-songwriter Ismael Serrano as an exceptional guest. Let’s see.

Sánchez’s quote. The allusion to Machado was first made by the candidate to become President of the Government again in his initial intervention. Sánchez tried to justify his commitment to the amnesty law by returning to the terrain of “concord” and “reconciliation.” Thus, he stated that “many more reasons” were still necessary to adapt the norm to the current legal framework and added that, if not, we must “have the courage to build them.” Finally, he concluded: “Because it is possible and because, as the brilliant Antonio Machado said: ‘Today is always still.’

What’s next (according to Feijóo). Attention to him or his advisors, Núñez Feijóo has reviewed the appointment. In his turn, the leader of the PP has allowed himself the luxury of completing Machado’s sentence to Sánchez and, in the process, sending him a clear message that is totally consistent with his criticism of the president. The entire phrase, Feijóo said, is: “Today is always still, all of life is now. And now, now is the time to fulfill the promises we made to each other. Because yesterday we did not do it, because tomorrow is too late. Now” As it could not be otherwise, the leader of the PP has highlighted that of “keeping promises” and added that Sánchez, for some reason, has “overlooked” it. Applause from the popular bench.

Final turn: Ismael Serrano. In the counterrejoinder, an unexpected guest has joined the party. “The appointment I have made is valid,” Pedro Sánchez announced. And, between smiles and looking at his cell phone, the candidate assured that the phrase that Feijóo added is not, in reality, attributable to Machado, but rather is the result of the creativity of the Madrid singer-songwriter Ismael Serrano, who thus adapted the poem by greatest representative of the Generation of ’98. “That’s what you have to search for things on Google,” Sánchez said ironically, amidst the laughter of his group mates.

Sánchez has taken advantage of the reference to Google searches to recover the ghost of drug trafficker Marcial Dorado, without citing him. Feijóo, who appears in an old photograph with Dorado on a yacht, said in the 23-J campaign that he did not know what the drug trafficker did now despite the dozens of news stories about his businesses: “Before there was no internet or Google ”.

Returning to the quote, Ismael Serrano himself clarifies the confusion on Now on the recording of a live concert (Uncertainty Principle)”.

Aute and Sabina. Subsequently, Feijóo replied sarcastically: “I don’t know anything about Google compared to you and your doctoral thesis.” And he has picked up the gauntlet on Ismael Serrano’s variation of Machado’s poem. “I like Aute or Sabina better,” he joked, but he still missed another song by the controversial singer-songwriter: “How beautiful, how fun coexistence is with me! / Getting rid of my last idea!” It is the Song of Self-Love.