The scene occurred on the NA-6310 highway, between the Navarrese towns of Lazagurria and Mendavía. An off-duty provincial police officer was traveling along this road when he saw some sort of pamphlets “flying” in the middle of the road. The agent slowed down to make sure and then saw that they were not leaflets, but 50 euro bills. Many. The police officer then decided to stop suddenly, park on the shoulder and pick them up.

In the middle of the road, the agent saw an abandoned wallet. In total he collected 905 euros, in 50, 20, 10 and 5 euro bills, and the wallet itself, without documentation, although with several phone numbers written on a piece of paper.

The agent took everything he had found and decided to deliver it to a Civil Guard barracks located 100 meters away. Five days later, a young man called to ask if they had received any wallets. He was the owner. His identity was clarified, although not the reason for those bills “flying” in the middle of the road.

When he went to the barracks he clarified the situation. The young man had parked at a gas station to refuel and, after paying, he left his wallet on the hood. Logically, when starting the march the wallet flew, a moment that coincided with the passage of the regional police in a private vehicle.

The agent declared in Diario de Noticias that the situation was “like something out of a movie.” “I told myself, it can’t be that so much money is flying in the air,” he said.

The Regional Police itself has revealed these facts on social networks and has congratulated the 46-year-old agent: “I found 905 euros on the road and since I am a regional police officer, I investigate until I find its owner to give them to him. Congratulations, partner.”