The Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, has announced that road safety will be reinforced in Montblanc as a result of the increase in traffic in the municipality since the opening of the Coll de Lilla tunnel on October 23. Elena has not detailed the number of troops that will be assigned.

The mayor of Montblanc, Oriol Pallissó, welcomed the announcement, but recalled that until the A-27 is connected to the AP-2, “the demand” to improve traffic “will continue to exist.” “With the opening of the tunnel, we have made a bigger problem instead of making it smaller,” he lamented.

Elena made the announcement during the Local Security Board, in which it was confirmed that scams have increased by 27% in the municipality.

Pallissó has stated that the December bridge will become “the first litmus test” to find out how it will affect the opening of the Coll de Lille tunnel in Montblanc, without having completed the connection of the A-27 with the AP-2.

“It is a growing problem and at the moment we do not have a solution,” he denounced.

Although Pallissó has celebrated the increase in traffic officers in the municipality by 2024, he has also stressed that “they are not going to solve the problem in any way.”

The mayor of Montblanc has highlighted that one of the aspects that worries them most is the situation that could arise among the residents of Guàrdia dels Prats (Montblanc).

“We are concerned that during summer weekends they will have to wait in line to access their home,” said Pallissó.

All of this was discussed this Wednesday at the first Local Security Meeting held in the municipality, since its creation in 2008. The Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, chaired the table and stated that Montblanc “is a safe place.” . According to data from the department, crimes in the capital of Conca de Barberà are 25% below the Catalan average.

However, crimes in Montblanc have increased in 2023, going from 352 in 2022 to 449 this year. Of these, more than half correspond to theft and scams. According to Elena, the increase of 13 new Mossos d’Esquadra agents in the municipality in the last three years has translated into a 14% increase in arrests.