The Mossos d’Esquadra have carried out instigations for an alleged sexual assault on a man in El Masnou (Maresme), which occurred during the night of November 12 to 13, in which they are waiting to see if a complaint is filed to investigate the incident. case.

After learning of this alleged sexual assault, the Central Sexual Assault Unit (UCAS) of the Catalan police carried out the first steps regarding the case, although they will not be able to open an investigation until a complaint is filed.

According to sources close to the case, the attack occurred next to the NII, in which a group of four or five men forced the victim to perform fellatio on them and then beat her and left her lying on the floor.

Two people found the victim and proceeded to call 112, who contacted the police. For the moment, the Mossos have declined to give any details about the incident.