Last Monday, November 13, Daniel Sancho surprised many by pleading not guilty to the charges of which the Thai Prosecutor’s Office accuses him, related to the atrocious murder of Colombian Edwin Arrieta. His father, the actor Rodolfo Sancho, remains by his side; while his mother, Silvia Bronchalo, has returned to Spain. The chef’s parents are experiencing a deep crisis in these difficult times, having a strong discussion about his defense just a few days ago.

None of them have commented on the matter. However, the one who does seem to have something to say is Xenia Tostado, Rodolfo Sancho’s partner. The actress has remained in a discreet background in this whole matter, but from time to time she publishes reflections through her social networks that reveal how she is experiencing this very personal moment.

The protagonist of The Secret of Ibosim tries to communicate with her followers through her Instagram account, from where she shares publications that try to show how she feels at all times. The actress, mother of a daughter with the actor, tries to live her life normally, but her circumstances have turned her into an involuntary protagonist of today.

On this occasion, the actress shared a quote from the French poet and essayist Paul Valéry, which has not left anyone indifferent. “Everything you say speaks about you: especially when you talk about another.”

The reason that led the actress to publish this reflection is unknown, but this is usually the case in Xenia Tostado’s latest publications. However, it is inevitable to relate her posts to the events that shake her current life and that of her family almost daily, especially considering that everything the actress does is looked at with a magnifying glass.

The actress knows in detail everything that is happening regarding the case of her partner’s son, but she has remained absolutely silent about how the case is going so far, leaving it up to her daughter’s father to make statements. The only moment in which the actress spoke out was after Daniel Sancho was arrested, in a joint statement with Rodolfo Sancho, asking for respect for his daughter.

“I have been feeling the need for days to express my concern and the fear that I feel as a mother. We do not know if we are safe. My daughter lives completely apart from everything that is happening and it will be that way as long as we can and they allow it,” he began by explaining in his statement, on August 13, when hardly any details about the case were known.

“I am next to my partner, Rodolfo Sancho, in this deep pain that he is going through as a father, no one has an idea. I can only say that, from the strength that we are both, we are going to protect our daughter above all else, “She is our priority. As a mother, I sincerely beg the press to keep us out of it, my daughter is just a child.”