Artificial intelligence (AI) is possibly the most revolutionary and disruptive technology of our time. Today, few have doubts about the changes that AI is producing in the way we live, communicate or socialize. From applications like ChatGPT that has an answer for (almost) everything, to virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa to applications like DALL – E capable of creating any ultra-realistic image. But the influence of AI does not stop there but goes further: it also wants to change the way we learn. AI can help us practice any language without leaving the couch.

Platforms and applications specialized in language learning take advantage of AI to offer personalized and effective experiences. From correcting pronunciation to generating exercises adapted to your specific needs.

AI is a powerful tool to improve your English conversation skills. A different way to practice Shakespeare’s language from home and in a very efficient way. Some artificial intelligence applications such as ELSA Speak (English Language Speech Assistant) have been launched in order to ease our way and make English easier than ever.

ELSA Speak is an application in which you will have a native teacher thanks to AI. Among other functions, the possibility of practicing pronunciation for 10 minutes a day or studying more than 7,000 short lessons from everyday conversations to job interviews stands out. How is ELSA different from other language apps? In the ability to recognize your voice and help you improve it as if you were with a real, flesh-and-blood native teacher. “ELSA’s artificial intelligence technology was developed using sound data from English speakers with various accents. ELSA manages to recognize the pronunciation of non-native speakers, unlike most voice recognition technologies” they state from the official website. It is available for both iOS and Android devices. ELSA has a free version and a paid version.

Duolingo is possibly the most popular free app for learning English. But in addition to English they allow you to learn other languages ​​such as Italian, French or Portuguese. Babbel is another language learning platform with a very intuitive and simple interface and design. Other applications to practice a language can be ABA English or Mondly.